How to write a Master thesis

The bachelor’s program including the bachelor’s thesis has already been completed and with it, presumably, the first obstacles in the…
“Ask the Infothek” – When applying for a master’s degree, what do I have to keep in mind?

After successfully completing their bachelor’s degree, many students aim for a master’s degree. But in order to be able to…
How to write a Bachelor thesis

It’s something that comes up sooner or later for each of us – the bachelor’s thesis. As a rule, this…
From asynchronous to Zoom – overview in the virtual teaching jungle

The virtual semester brings all kinds of new courses into the timetable. Where previously lectures, exercises or tutorials were held…
Before you run out of steam – motivation to reach the finish line

"Cleaning, decluttering, cooking - at the moment I'd rather do anything but prepare for the exam." Do statements like this…
Off to the semester exam period: reading texts efficiently

Reading a textbook? Sounds easy enough. But then the words get blurry and you wonder what was actually in the…
Many brains, many ideas – study groups in virtual times

Virtual teaching changes interpersonal relationships. Some people feel emotionally closer to their lecturer than ever before, as they gain unexpectedly…
Notes of online lectures

Taking notes? In times when lecture slides, scripts, screencasts are conveniently available for download? What may seem needless at first…
Take a break! – Why conscious time-outs and routines are important

The everyday life of many students becomes blurred at the moment: Getting up, watching a recorded lecture in their pajamas,…
Are you still procrastinating or already studying? – Tips against procrastinitis

Read the text? Maybe later. The video of the lecture? It’ll also be available tomorrow. And the webinar this afternoon?…
“That’s where I want to go” – setting goals (not only) for the virtual semester

We all have goals in mind. Big and small; some are secret, others we blow the whistle to the world…
The home workplace – thoughts on order, ritual and communication

Day 10. Here I sit, at my “desk”. It feels strange. Normally I spend the time between two courses together…
Self-management and scheduling – The good feeling of having a plan

Time management through self-management Monday. Friday. Time is slipping away. Time management seems to be the order of the day.…
Studying successfully in the virtual summer semester

End of normality: everything new Corona changes everything. It is like someone hitting the pause button. Everyday life has become…